TOEIC – Part II (Responses) – TOEICパート2 (応答問題)
TOEICリスニングのセクション2 (応答問題):このTOEICリスニング演習は、リスニング力を強化し本番のテスト内容に近い類似問題が出題されています。
For the following quizzes, you will hear a question or statement followed by 3 responses spoken in English. Select the best response to the question or statement.
TOEIC – Part III (Short Conversations) – TOEICパート3 (会話問題)
For the following quizzes, you will hear a short conversation followed by questions about the conversation. Each question has four choices: (A), (B), (C), and (D). Select the best answer to each question based on what you hear in the conversation.
TOEIC – Part IV (Short Talks & Short Announcements) : TOEICパート4( 説明文問題)
For the following quizzes, you will hear a short talk or announcement followed by questions about what you hear. Each question has four choices: (A), (B), (C), and (D). Select the best answer to each question based on what you hear in the conversation.
TOEIC – Part V – Incomplete Sentences: TOEICパート5(穴埋式選択問題)
For the following quizzes, you will hear a short talk or announcement followed by questions about what you hear. Each question has four choices: (A), (B), (C), and (D). Select the best answer to each question based on what you hear in the conversation.