2011年10月号- October Newsletter

英語ニュース Current Internet NEWS!! <新着ネットニュース>
英語のビデオ Video News (Domestic and World Events/国内&世界の動画ニュース)
American Idioms & Slang<アメリカのイディオム&スラング表現>
Grammar Study<今月の文法学習>
TOEICクイズ TOEIC Study Quiz<TOEICテスト>
Monthly Column – A Foreigner’s Life<今月のコラム:外国人の生活>
–You can read the article below and use it in your lessons to discuss with your teacher.

US News:

The Perfect Getaway

Authorities say a married couple while shopping with their two young children at a Walmart store shoplifted some electronics and beauty care products. The 20 year old father took a cellphone and tried to also steal a tablet computer but he destroyed the display in the process. The 19 year old mother hid some makeup she had taken in the baby seat of her child’s stroller. This would not be unusual except that when confronted about it, the couple fled the store leaving behind their children!

Police say it was not hard to track them down as they had forgotten their 3 year old and 18 month old children in the store. Eventually, the parents had to go back to the store to retrieve their children where police were on hand to arrest them.



Japan News:

"Where is my boyfriend or husband?"

A smartphone tracking application that was advertised to women as letting them keep tabs on their boyfriends or husbands has generated controversy and was even regarded as spyware, forcing makers to tone down its functions in a new version.The application is called "Kare Log" (boyfriend log) and after installing it on a person’s smartphone, one can use a PC to check on GPS data that shows where the phone, and presumably the owner, are.

One can also see information such as the phone’s remaining battery charge and its call history.The application’s developer, Tokyo company Manuscript, released the application on Aug. 30. The company advertised secretly putting the application on a phone as a way to prevent cheating, and by nighttime on the first day of release had received around 30 protest e-mails. Criticism was also leveled on Twitter.




Japan News:

"10,000 Free Tickets To Japan"

In order to boost flagging tourism after the nuclear disaster, earthquakes and tsunami, the Japan Tourism Agency has proposed a bold plan. They’re going to give away 10,000 free round-trip tickets but the catch is that would-be travelers will need to submit a detailed travel plan, and, more importantly, write a review of their time in Japan and post in online.

That’s aimed directly at boosting word of mouth and maximizing the benefit of the ticket giveaway.

"We are hoping to get highly influential blogger-types, and others who can spread the word that Japan is a safe place to visit," Kazuyoshi Sato, an agency spokesperson.

The over a billion yen in funding has yet to be approved, but if it is, the tourism agency says it hopes to start signing up travelers and bloggers by next April.

The blogging for tickets only goes as far as the airplane ride, however. Travelers will still have to pay for their own lodging and food.


これは口コミの上昇及びチケット配布の利点を最大限に活かすことに狙いを定めているのだ。「影響力のあるブロガー(ブログを書く人)やその他、日本は安全なところだという口コミを広めてくれる人を集めることを期待している」と官公庁の代表者である佐藤かずよし(kanji for Kazuyoshi Sato??)氏は言う。10億円以上もの資金がまだ認可されなければながないが、来年の4月には旅行客やブロガーの登録を始めたいとしている。チケットのためにブログを書くというこの活動はだが、飛行機代にしか及ばない。旅行客の宿泊費や食費は実費である。

shoplift 〔商品を〕万引きする
英語ポイント in the process (of) そのプロセス[過程{かてい}]で、いつの間にか
英語ポイント confronted 〔~を…と〕対決させる、〔~に…を〕突きつける
英語ポイント track 見つけ出す
英語ポイント advertise 〔商品{しょうひん}などの〕宣伝{せんでん}[広告{こうこく}]をする
英語ポイント controversy 論争{ろんそう}、論議{ろんぎ}、議論{ぎろん}◆【用法】可算名詞
英語ポイント tone down 調子が下がる、和らぐ、静まる
英語ポイント presumably 推定上{すいてい じょう}、推定{すいてい}されるように、たぶん、恐らく、思うには
英語ポイント protest 抗議{こうぎ}、異議{いぎ}、反対
英語ポイント criticism 〔悪いことや欠点{けってん}と思われることへの〕非難{ひなん}、反論
英語ポイント boost ~を強化{きょうか}する、~を促進{そくしん}する
英語ポイント propose ~を提案{ていあん}する、計画{けいかく}する、提議{ていぎ}する
英語ポイント word of mouth 口頭、口コミ◆【略】WOM
英語ポイント blogger ブロガー、ブロッガー◆インターネット上で日記を公開している人のこと
  New! CNN Student News リスニング力を試そう!
Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>
-Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age, and business!
新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!

–Hiroshi and Carl just finished giving a presentation to their clients and are sitting in the conference room discussing how they did. Anthony, a colleague who also attended the presentation, comes in to offer some words of encouragement and advice–


Hey guys, that presentation you just delivered blew them away! I feel you were on point in addressing ways for them to slim down operating expenses.


I surely hope they keep an open mind in considering our radical recommendations considering that they were not "tried and true" techniques.


Mr. Stephenson is a no nonsense businessman so I am confident you had his utmost attention. I really feel he was impressed by both of you in that you offered thinking and insight that was "outside of the box".


I really appreciate your kind words Anthony, but I felt I could have done better on my part. Carl was a real life saver when he stepped in to explain the details of our proposal. Thanks Carl, I could not have pulled through without you.


Don’t beat yourself over it so much Hiroshi. You did perfectly fine!


Hiroshi, I agree with Carl. You stuck to your guns when they tried to break down your proposal and you did not waver in your opinions. That in itself shows credibility on your part.


I am thankful for your kind words. I just feel I could have done something better!

上記の会話の日本語訳はこちらをクリック’(印刷可): JAPANESE VERSION
"blow someone away" 誰かを圧倒する
"on point" 的を得ている
"slim down" 削減する
"tried and true" 試されて証明されている
"no nonsense person" 不適切さを許容しない人
"outside of the box" (常識の)箱に捉われない
"life saver" 命の恩人
"to step in" 介入する
"to pull through" 切り抜ける
"beat oneself over" 自分を痛めつける
"stick to one’s guns" 自分の意見に忠実でいる
"Know vs Realize" 今回はKnowと Realize の使い方を解説します。


–This section will cover a broad range of different grammar rules and explanations to help you understand sentence structure and improve awareness of English grammar.
What is the difference between "by" and "until" ?
Read some of the sentences below and try to understand in which situations they are used correctly or incorrectly.
Examples of how "by" and "until" are used:

I mailed the letter today, so they should receive it "by" Monday.
I mailed the letter today, so they should receive it "until" Monday.
Explanation: The verb "receive" is not an action that "continues". Therefore, "by" is used to mean that the letter would be received "by" or "before" Monday.  受け取るという動詞は、継続制がないので、byはこの場合月曜日の前=月曜日までに受け取るという意味で使われています。
Has Jane arrived yet? She should be here "by" now.
ジェーンはまだ来ませんか? 今ごろ着いていても大丈夫なんですけど。
Has Jane arrived yet? She should be here "until" now.
Explanation: The speaker is expecting that "Jane" should have arrived already. Which means that Jane should be here/arrive "before" now. スピーカーはジェーンが既に到着しているべきだと思っています。ということはとっくの前にジェーンがここに来ているという意味となりますのでByを使います。

This report must be done tonight. You should be here "until" we finish it!
This report must be done tonight. You should be here "by" we finish it!
Explanation: In this case, the verb "be" is used similar to example 2. However, in this situation, the speaker is saying that they must "be" or "remain" until the report is done. Therefore, "until" is the correct choice since be/remain is a verb that signifies something continues up to a certain time. In this case, the time is when they finish the report. この場合のbeは例②と似ていますが、これはスピーカーが’彼らのレポートが終わるまで、ここに留まる(be = remain)という意味合いで使っていますので、Untilがある一定の時間(ここではれぽ^とを終える時間)までをさしているので、Untilを使います。
Note: BY= no later than (Tom will return by Monday) 

注) By = ~までに(~までに)
Note: UNTIL/TIL=something continues up to that point in time. ( Tom will be away until Monday)

3 Common Mistakes in English that students make:
Read the following sentences below and determine which sentence is written correctly.

â‘  Last year I was walking to school every day.
  â‘¡ Last year I walked to school every day.
  Note: Use the simple past to express a habit in the past and not the past continuous. Correct sentence is #2
  â‘  I’ll see you when I will come back.
  â‘¡ I’ll see you when I come back.
  Note: If the verb in the main clause is in the future, the verb in the time clause must be in the present tense. Correct sentence is #2
  â‘  If he asks me, I will go out to dinner with him.
  â‘¡ If he will ask me, I will go out to dinner with him.
  Note: Use the present tense in a future conditional in the IF clause and the future tense in the main clause. Correct sentence is #1.
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NEW! – What "stereotypes" did you have of Japan/Japanese people before coming here and do you still hold these to be true?

(Daniel 34y.o. male American): All Japanese People Are RICH!

"Coming from New York and always seeing so many Japanese on vacation in the U.S. shopping and buying everything they see when I was growing up, I believed that most, if not all Japanese people were RICH! I am not sure if it was due to the economy during the 90’s that provided a great opportunity for them to buy up everything or their custom to shop during vacations, but I now do not hold the belief that they are all wealthy to be true. I think most western people take vacations moreso to enjoy new places and experience the culture of a new country. However, Japanese just naturally like to shop while abroad which may be why it "seemed" like they were rich. In reality, most people tend to live an "average" or "futsu" life making ends meet just like Americans. They live in small, but comfortable homes and do not lead an extravagant lifestyle that I imagined. "




(Sarah 24y.o. female U.K.): Japanese people are very nice and kind!

"I have always perceived most Japanese people to be very kind in my past encounters with them while working at a hotel in London. They always seem to never complain and do not disturb others with loud, obnoxious banter in public as other travelers generally do. I guess this is what gave me the impression that I could easily make friends upon arriving here as I perceived them to be extremely friendly.

Inasmuch as I do not like to stereotype as it can be a false generalization of a group of people in acting or behaving in a certain way, I want to express that it may have been naive of me in not understanding the difference between kindness/friendliness and politeness. A case in point is how few times men give up their seats to children or the elderly on the train/bus. Another example is how infrequently do you see them starting a conversation with someone they don’t know. I just wish it were easier to talk to strangers without it seeming rude to intrude in someone’s "private space."

サラ(24歳/イギリス人女性) 日本人はとても優しくいい人達です!




(Mark 36y.o. male U.S.): All Japanese people are quiet and shy.

"During University classes, I took some classes when there were a couple of foreign students from Japan but noticed they rarely if ever voiced their opinions during class discussion. It wasn’t that they did not know the information or ideas because they did! It made me think if it was their "lack of confidence" in the English language, fear of being wrong in expressing their ideas, or something entirely different?

When I started teaching a group of students in Japan, I began to feel that it was not completely due to being "shy" or "quiet" persay but rather not having the experience to openly express their ideas. Maybe it can be attributed to an education system that does not put emphasis in discussion but rather on information accumulation only? My preconceived notion quickly disappeared as the wonderful students I have are neither shy nor quiet when we socialize outside of a classroom environment. I guess it just takes a little time to adapt to what we westerners feel is normal to easily express our feelings. It is truly unique."



日本でグループの生徒を教え始めた際に 次第に彼らは恥かしがり屋や、静かというよりも、自分達の意見を人前で表現したくないと思うようになってきました。それは日本の教育システムがディスカッションというよりはただ情報を教えるというシステムではないからでしょうか?ただ、僕の生徒達はとてもフレンドリーでクラス外でも交流があったので、僕が思っていた考えはすぐに変わりました。たぶん、僕らアメリカ人が意見を言う事に対して何の抵抗もないというのは普通のことでなく、ユニークなことであるということに気づき、それに慣れるのには少し時間がかかると思います。