2011年8月号- August Newsletter

英語ニュース Current Internet NEWS!! <新着ネットニュース>
英語のビデオ Video News (Domestic and World Events/国内&世界の動画ニュース)
American Idioms & Slang<アメリカのイディオム&スラング表現>
Grammar Study<今月の文法学習>
TOEICクイズ TOEIC Study Quiz<TOEICテスト>
Monthly Column – A Foreigner’s Life<今月のコラム:外国人の生活>
英語ポイント The UK Riots of 2011
–You can read the article below and use it in your lessons to discuss with your teacher.

Summary — Widespread rioting, looting and arson occurred in parts of England from August 6th to 10th, 2011. Disorder spread across London and to other areas of England, with the worst disturbances centred on several major cities.

UK Riots
It all started on 6 August 2011 when about 200 people marched in Tottenham to publicly protest their grievances of injustice. Disturbances started the same evening, and over the following days spread to other areas of London. As of August 13th, 2,275 people had been arrested, of whom more than 1,000 have been charged. The association of British Insurers estimated that the riots had caused more than £200 million worth of damage .


【日本語訳】: <まとめ>


Q. What triggered the protests or riots?
(James 26y.o. male US): The police shot and killed a man (who happened to be black) while he was working. The police said they thought the man was shooting back since one of the officers caught a bullet in his radio. Investigation showed that the man was unarmed and the only shots fired were from police guns. It happens here in America all the time.

The peple are rioting because they’re tired of that type of inexcusable injustice, along with other issues like unemployment and other things that are going on. That’s how the riots started. Now as more people have gotten involved its just become chaos.

And by the way, its not just poor blacks, rioting. There are people of all ages, races, and even members of rich families and reputable occupations have been caught rioting.

【日本語訳】: 警察が(黒人であった)男が仕事しているところを銃殺した。その警官は同僚の一人がラジオにあたった弾を見て、その男が撃ち返してきたと思ったと供述した。捜査では男は丸腰で、射撃は警察の銃からのみ行われたと判明した。このようなことはアメリカではよくあることだ。人々は暴動を起こす理由は、許されないほどの不公平さに加え失業者の増加や他多くの問題が起きているのに耐え切れないからだ。それが暴動の始まりだ。今なお更に多くの人々を巻き込み混乱状態が続いている。ところで、これは貧困な黒人たちだけの暴動ではない。全ての年齢層、人種、金持ちの家族や有名な職業の持ち主までもが加わっている大暴動である。

(Sarah 22y.o. female UK): Some black individual got shot for merely possessing a weapon he didn’t resist arrest or anything, later his family were made to wait outside the police station for 5 hours straight without a single answer, this sparked the riots… what escalated it: well black youths were stopped and searched by police 10 times more than white youths in the past year and most searches were unsuccessful in finding anything illegal. Add to that the fact 75% of youth services were cut by the government recently due to the economic recession, hence you can understand the youth are genuinely bored, thus you’ll find it interesting to see youths of all backgrounds were involved in this chaos.

【日本語訳】: ある黒人が武器を所有しているというだけで、無抵抗にもかかわらず射撃された。その後、彼の家族はイギリス警察から何の回答ももらえぬまま、警察署の外で5時間ずっと待たされ続けた。これが暴動へのきっかけと繋がった。。。紛争へと発展させたのは:黒人の若者たちは暴動を止め、警察に身辺調査をされるが、白人の若者と比べるといかに10倍以上も念入りに調べられ、挙句の果て違法となる物は一切見つからずに終わるという不公平な差別を受ける。加えて、イギリス政府はコミュニティ対策経費を75%削減することを打ち出した。それにより若者たちが時間を持て余しし、全ての背景と要因が若者とたちをこの混乱に巻き込んでいった。

Riot 暴動{ぼうどう}、騒動{そうどう}、反乱{はんらん}、一揆{いっき}
英語ポイント Looting 略奪{りゃくだつ}
英語ポイント Arson 放火{ほうか}(罪)
英語ポイント Disorder 無秩序{むちつじょ}、混乱{こんらん}、騒動{そうどう}
英語ポイント Grievance 不平{ふへい}のもと、苦情{くじょう}の原因{げんいん}
英語ポイント Protest 抗議{こうぎ}、異議{いぎ}、反対{はんたい}
英語ポイント Charged 《be ~》~で充満している
英語ポイント Estimated 推測{すいそく}の、見積{みつ}もりの、大体{だいたい}の
英語ポイント Shot and Killed 《be ~》~に撃たれて死ぬ
英語ポイント Investigation 〔詳細{しょうさい}な〕調査{ちょうさ}、研究{けんきゅう}
英語ポイント Fired 《軍事》〔発射{はっしゃ}された〕ミサイル、砲弾{ほうだん}
英語ポイント inexcusable 〔悪事・過ちなどが度を越して〕許せない、弁解[言い訳]できない
英語ポイント Injustice 不公平{ふこうへい}、不正{ふせい}(行為{こうい})
英語ポイント Straight 連続して、立て続けに、続けざまに、休まずに
英語ポイント Escalated 《be ~》紛争{ふんそう}に発展{はってん}する
英語ポイント Hence だから、それ故に、故に、従って、そのような訳で
英語ポイント New! CNN Student News リスニング力を試そう!
Idioms & Expression
Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>
-Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age, and business!
新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!
–Hiroshi, Kazuma, and Susan are having dinner at Carl’s home. Carl’s wife, Kathy, is also present as she wants to meet his coworkers to better understand the people her husband works with —
Susan: Kathy, everything looks so delicious! Where did you learn to whip up something like this?
Carl: It’s all through trial and error. I really like to cook, and Kathy indulges my whims.
Kathy: Carl has been getting better by the day. Actually, I am his guinea pig. When we have guests over, though, he only uses the tried and true recipes.
Hiroshi: You really need to drop me a line when you need a taster Carl. This is awesome.
Carl: Hiroshi, you are always welcome. That goes for you too Kazuma and Susan. I need more lab rats.
Kathy: Kazuma, this wine you brought is absolutely out of this world. Where did you get it?
Kazuma: I purchased it on my last business trip to San Francisco. Luckily, I had one day to relax so I was able to visit Napa Valley. I have extra bottles so I would be more than happy to bring some over next time Carl cooks!
Kathy: Carl, are you ok to cook tomorrow?
上記の会話の日本語訳はこちらをクリック’(印刷可): JAPANESE VERSION
"to whip up" to make or create
-Trial and Error to learn through making mistakes and improving
"indulges my whim" let someone do or get what they want
"by the day" gradually or over time
-guinea pig test subject (same as lab rat)
"Tried and True" reliable or dependable
"drop me a line" call me
"out of this world" very good or exceptional
"Popular vs Common" 今回はPopular と Common の使い方を解説します。
English Grammar Study

–This section will cover a broad range of different grammar rules and explanations to help you understand sentence structure and improve awareness of English grammar.

What is the difference between "much" vs " a lot" ?
Read some of the sentences below and try to understand in which situations they are used correctly or incorrectly.
Examples of how "much" and "a lot" are used:

The man driving that very nice car has a lot of money.
The man driving that very nice car has much money.
Please do not bother me. I do not have much time.
Please do not bother me. I do not have a lot of time.
Does Hiromi go out drinking much?
Does Hiromi go out drinking a lot?
Note: "much" is usually not used in positive sentences. Instead, we us " a lot (of) ".

注)「much」は通常肯定文では使われないので注意!代わりに「a lot 」を使う。
Note: In negative sentences and in questions, either "much" or "a lot" can be used.

注)「much」と「a lot 」は否定文や疑問文ではどちらを使っても良い。
What is the difference between "few" and "little"?
Non Countable (不可算名詞) Countable (可算名詞)
Little = not much Few = not many
A Little = some, a small amount A Few = some, a small amount

I enjoy my life in Japan. I have a few friends and we get together often.
I enjoy my life in Japan. I have a little friends and we get together often.
* The above mistake is due to countable vs non countable noun usage.

I can not take a vacation now as I have little money.
I can not take a vacation now as I have few money.
* The above mistake is due to countable vs non countable noun usage.
I am not nervous going to Japan. I speak a little Japanese.
I am not nervous going to Japan. I speak little Japanese.

* The above mistake is due to either countable or non countable. Rather, it is in reference to how much of a language a person speaks. 上記のエラー例文は「可算か不可算」のどちらであるかにより決まる。言うなれば下の例文の言語がどれだけ自信をもって話せるかを表現するとわかりやすい。

–"I speak a little Japanese" has a positive meaning which is explaining that a person is confident in knowing the language enough to be able to get around. もし"I speak a littleJapanese" と言った場合、肯定的な意味となり、その人は日本語に自信があり十分渡り歩けるほどの日本語が話せる。ということを意味する。


–"I speak little Japanese" has a negative meaning which is explaining that a person is NOT confident in knowing the language enough to be able to get around.もし"I speak little Japanese"と言った場合は、否定的な意味となり、その人は日本語に自信がないことを表す。

Note: "Few" and "a few" are used to refer countable nouns

注)「few と a few」は可算名詞(=数えられる名詞)と一緒に使われる。
Note: "Little" and "a little" are used to refer to non countable nouns
注)「little と a little」は不可算名詞(=数えられない名詞)とともに使われる。
Answers to last months grammar questions:
Check back next month for the answers to the above questions. (回答は次月号で掲載します)

Last Month’s Answers: 1. so 2. such 3. so 4. such a 5. such a 6. so 7. such a 8. enough money 9. qualified enough 10. too hot 11. too quickly 12. too big 13. well enough 14. enough cups
TOEICクイズ TOEIC STUDY – 読解問題Part 5 & リスニング問題(Part 2)
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://www.members.eigopass.com/flashquiz/toeicsentence/Quiz 7/quiz.swf” width=”620″ height=”480″ targetclass=”flashmovie”] [/kml_flashembed]
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://www.members.eigopass.com/flashquiz/toeiclistening/Quiz7/quiz.swf” width=”620″ height=”480″ targetclass=”flashmovie”] [/kml_flashembed]
連載コラム:A Foreigner’s View (日本で生活する外国人)
NEW! – What was your most difficult "Japan" experience?
(Michael 28y.o. male Canadian): " How difficult is it really to get a phone in Japan? I thought it was pretty straighforward. I buy a phone, add money, and use it. right?.. That was what I thought until they said I could not get a phone unless I had registered with the city government office of my residence and update my visa information. Supposedly, this "security" procedure is to prevent terrorists and crime syndicates from getting phones to use for illegal purposes. Let’s just be honest as this rule does little to reduce illegal uses of prepaid phones or curb crime. It is more troublesome than anything. "


(Anthony 36y.o. male UK): "I found it very troublesome to find an apartment in Japan with all the rules of having to get a guarantor, pay obscene amounts of money upfront, and worst of all be limited by which apartments I could rent. When I visited some real estate agencies, several of them told me that since I was a "gaijin", many owners did not want to rent to me. This type of discrimination would lead to lawsuits of discrimination based on racial bias in my country. Personally, if I were an owner, I would not care where you came from. I would rent to any person who had a stable income ensuring that they could pay their rent. I would only require first and last months rent with a security deposit. "


(Amy 24y.o.female US): "Dating in Japan would have to be at the top of my list of things I find most difficult to adapt to. Why is it so easy for foreign guys to find Japanese girlfriends but so difficult for us foreign girls to find nice Japanese guys? I find it extremely frustating how shy guys are here. I mean come on! Is there something so difficult or intimidating about talking to a white girl? I saw this cute guy at the supermarket and tried to let him know I was interested in him by asking him if he knew how much an apple was. He just looked at me and said 100yen and walked away. Of course I knew the price as there is a gigantic sign displaying it. Did he not realize I was trying to give him an opportunity to talk to me more? Rather than continue talking to me, he walked away and kept watching me as I continued shopping. I wish guys would just understand that most of us girls would like it more if they were just brave enough to just come up and talk to us. We girls don’t bite. "