2013年9月号- エイゴパス英会話レッスン 月刊ニュースレター

英語ニュース Current Internet NEWS!! <新着ネットニュース>
英語のビデオ Video News (Domestic and World Events/国内&世界の動画ニュース)
Business English <ビジネス英語フレーズ>
Grammar Study<今月の文法学習>
TOEICクイズ TOEIC Study Quiz<TOEICテスト>
Monthly Column – <今月のコラム>
You can read the article below and use it in your lessons to discuss with your teacher. — この記事を読んで先生とレッスンで話し合おう!
Japan News

Powerful Typhoon Rips Through Japan and Flooding Tourist Spots

A powerful typhoon ripped through Japan’s mainland from the night of Sept. 15 through to the next day, with torrential rain and strong winds lashing a wide portion of the country. In Kyoto’s Arashiyama district, a popular sightseeing area, Nakanoshima Park under the symbolic Togetsukyo Bridge was flooded as the Katsura River overflowed. 

Local residents saw the water level rise quickly as they prepared to evacuate. Restaurant owner Yasuo Wakasugi, 75, saw the door of his restaurant-cum-home in Ukyo Ward getting swept away by the water before 3 a.m. The water then entered the house in a matter of seconds. As he and his wife were moving tatami mats to a higher floor to protect them from getting wet, firefighters came to tell them to evacuate at around 4 a.m. The water level had reached his waist by that time.

"I was scared when I heard a sound like the ground rumble," recalls Wakasugi. He and his wife made it safely to the other side of the riverbank with help from firefighters.

Masahiro Hosokawa, 51, who runs a souvenir shop at the north side of Togetsukyo Bridge recalls how fast the water level rose. "The water was up to my ankles at around 3 a.m. and I was piling up sandbags to block the water, but it rose over my knees in about an hour," he said.

"I’ve run a business here for 22 years and never experienced flooding before," the shop owner commented.

According to Kyoto Municipal Government’s disaster prevention office, the water level reached 2.8 meters — the level for flood prevention teams to start preparing for rescue activities — at Katsura observatory near Togetsukyo Bridge at 11:30 p.m. on Sept. 15 and then reached four meters — the level for an overflow warning — at around 2:10 a.m. the next day. Officials said the speed in which the water rose was something they had never seen before.

Meanwhile, a road in front of a hotel south of Togetsukyo Bridge was flooded as deep as 80 centimeters. Hotel staff helped some 70 guests escape by bringing them to higher ground by boats.


震え「ぞっとした」 宿泊客ら救出−−京都・渡月橋

 国際的な観光地「京都・嵐山」の姿が一変した。シンボルの「渡月橋」下の中州「中ノ島公園」は、氾濫した桂川にのみ込まれた状態に。地元住民はみるみるうちに水かさが増えていった様子に驚き、改めて自然災害のすさまじさにおののいた。秋の観光シーズンへの影響も大きく、関係者は肩を落とした。 京都市右京区の中ノ島公園で和食店を営む若杉保男さん(75)によると、自宅を兼ねる店舗は午前3時前、入り口のガラス戸が流され、一気に水が浸入して来た。妻と畳を高い場所に上げる作業をしたが、同4時過ぎ、「逃げてください」と消防署員が駆け込んできた。その時点で水かさは腰の上に。若杉さんは「ゴーッという地鳴りのような音が聞こえ、ぞっとした」と振り返り、消防署員に付き添われ、何とか対岸にたどりついたという。



Japan News:

Tokyo Olympics To Evict Kohei Jinno For Second Time

When the Olympic Games came to Tokyo in 1964, tobacco salesman Kohei Jinno was forced to give up his shop and home to make way for the construction of a park around the National Olympic Stadium in Kasumigaoka.

For two years, Jinno survived and supported his family though odd jobs, until he was able to open a new tobacco shop in the shadow of the Stadium in 1966.

With the 2020 Olympics coming to Tokyo, and plans the reconstruction of a massive new National Stadium moving forward, Jinno faces eviction for the second time in his life. According to the Japan Times, roads will be built or repaired at a cost of $5.5 billion. Some 85 percent of the venues will be within 8 km of the $1.1 billion Olympic Village, which will be built on landfill not far from the upscale Ginza district.

The crown jewel, an 80,000-seat main stadium, will be built with a retractable roof at a cost of $1.3 billion — in a shape that calls to mind a cycling helmet, on the site of the old Olympic stadium.

Jinno stated, "Probably I may go where you cannot set up a tobacco shop. That means I will lose my reason for living…. I don’t want to see the Olympics at all. Deep inside, I have a kind of grudge against the Olympics."







  New! Learning through News Videos
CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: I`m Carl Azuz. And welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS.

On Tuesday night, President Obama spoke to the American people about Syria. He aimed to give a moral argument for why the U.S. military should get involved, and then explained why he thinks what`s happening in Syria can potentially affect the United States.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA: If we fail to act, the Assad regime will see no reason to stop using chemical weapons. As the ban against these weapons erodes, other tyrants will have no reason to think twice about acquiring poison gas and using them. Over time, our troops would again face the prospect of chemical warfare on the battle field. And it could be easier for terrorist organizations to obtain these weapons and to use them to attack civilians.


AZUZ: The president talked about the idea of a strike against Syria. He also discussed a diplomatic proposal from Russia.


OBAMA: I determined that it is in the national security interests of the United States to respond to the Assad regime`s use of chemical weapons through a targeted military strike.

But this initiative has the potential to remove the threat of chemical weapons without the uses of force, particularly because Russia is one of Assad`s strongest allies. I have therefore asked the leaders of Congress to postpone a vote to authorize the use of force, while we pursue these diplomatic path.


AZUZ: That next step is for U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to meet with Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov that starts today in Geneva, Switzerland. So, President Obama made his case on Tuesday. Some members of Congress said they weren`t convinced.


SEN. RAND PAUL, (R ) KENTUCKY: What I`m arguing is that what the president has planned is not going to accomplish what he says he`s going to accomplish, which is to punish Assad for this. I think Assad personally will not be held accountable for this. I also think that even if the diplomatic solution occurs, that he still may not be accountable.


AZUZ: Next story today takes us to Libya. One city in the North African nation has been the site of multiple attacks against diplomatic missions and officials. Yesterday, a car bomb exploded outside of a foreign ministry building in Benghazi. Large parts of the buildings out of walls were flown away, but there were no casualties, and only one minor injury was reported.

This happened on the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S. In one year to the day after a terrorist attack against the U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya.

In 2012 the U.S. consulate building there was targeted. This video was shot inside the consulate afterward. Four Americans were killed in that assault, including U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens, some lawmakers criticized President Obama and his administration for their response to that attack and for not providing enough security before it happened.

Yesterday, we marked anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attack on the United States, and Americans paused to honor the victims of that day.

In New York City, there were moments of silence. Family members read the names of the people who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001. People gathered at the Pentagon to remember lost loved ones. President Obama was there, saying, "Our hearts still ache for the futures snatched away."

And the ceremony in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, is bells tolled for each passenger and crew member on board the plane that crashed there 12 years ago.

In New York, a new building, one World Trade Center, has been gradually climbing back up into the sky. Here`s a look at its progress.


ANNOUNCER: It`s time for the "Shoutout." What do Joan Smalls, Gisele Bundchen and Coco Rocha have in common? If you think you know it, then shout it out.

Are they all authors, dancers, politicians or models? You`ve got three second, go.

Smalls, Bundchen and Rocha are work as fashion models. That`s your answer and that`s your "Shoutout."


AZUZ: In an industry that`s focused on looks, Shaun Ross stands out, he`s not as famous as the models we mentioned in that Shoutout." But Ross is making a name for himself and hoping to make a difference for others. On his Twitter page, Shaun`s description simply says, I want to inspire you. He explains why and how in this report.


SHAUN ROSS: You know, I was always a person I was made fun of. But yet again, I don`t want your sympathy. All kids got made fun of sometime in your life, you know, for being too short, being fat, being skinny, having buck teeth, having crooked teeth, you know. All kinds of things. So, I don`t want that to be the reason where (inaudible) you know, let`s look at this (inaudible) from sympathy.

My name is Shaun Ross. And I`m considered technically a professional model and I think that I broke the mold for a lot of people, and I fight there are a lot of mold breakers.

Like I don`t think I even knew what albinism was until like maybe the sixth grade, seventh grade. I never really questioned it. You know, I just feel like, you know, I`ve always been the one who wanted to like stand out. You know, it`s like if I stand out already, why not stand out ultimately?

So, when everybody thinks fashion week, you know, they think of like this, like, super crazy paparazzi fashion, couture, gowns, everything. It`s kind of weird, It`s kind of weird, it`s really like sometimes is an allusion.

The concept of perfection, it depends on, you know, what angle you`re coming from. I was just a person that, you know, I felt that I could have got tattoos, could have got piercings, could have died my hair. I mean I`ve been asked by a lot of different people to dye my hair. I`ve never done it. Because it`s like, why should I change my appearance for you? You know, you`re not changing your standards for me, so why should I change my standards for you? You know, this has just been something I`ve seen my whole entire life in this career, what is perfect.

It`s just weird. I see these kids, and they`re just beyond talented. And I just, you know, I just really want to be a voice for kids. I really want to tell this little girl that, you know, you are not ugly because you have vitiligo or this — a little girl who is literally half paralyzed, (inaudible) wheelchair, but she doesn`t care, and she just wants to show the world, you know, how beautiful she is because she is extremely beautiful, and that`s my whole message.

You can do whatever, it doesn`t matter what is — you can just do it ever. And you can go after, and you can accomplish it, and you can achieve it.


AZUZ: One is by land, two by see. The "Roll Call" is coming, the "Roll Call" is coming. Starts with Revere High School. That`s why we did that. Home of the Mini (ph) from Richfiel, Ohio. For most of us today, it`s Thursday, but for the Sunder at Discovery Canyon Campus in Colorado Springs, Colorado it`s Thursday, Happy Thursday, yo. And Charlie the Cougar (ph) closes out today`s "Roll Call." That`s the mascot at Helen Cox High in Harvey, Louisiana.

Wilson, Newton, RG3, NFL has some impressive mobile quarterbacks. But keep an eye out for the (inaudible) player in this YouTube video, because after taking the snap, he takes off. Boom, just nocks over that guy, outruns a bunch more. He`s not done. Jupes, the guy out by the sideline, and stiff arm for good measure. After all that, he deserves a clear path to the end zone. He may be small, but it looks like he`s head and shoulder pads above the competition. All right, time for us to take a hike, for CNN STUDENT NEWS, I`m Carl Azuz, we`ll see you tomorrow.


Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>
-Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age, and business!
新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!
Useful Expressions used in — Preparing for a meeting–
Are we missing anyone?
  Ex: It looks like everyone’s here. Are we missing anyone?
If everyone is here now, I think we’d better get started.
  Ex: If everyone is here now, I think we’d better get started. We don’t have much time.
We can’t wait any longer.
  Ex: We can’t wait any longer. Let’s get started.
Maybe we should give hima call and see if he’s coming.
  Ex: Maybe we should give hima call and see if he’s coming.
Do you think we should give him a call?
  Ex: Do you think we should give him a call? Maybe he forgot.
Could you call…?
  Ex: Could you call Bill and find out why he’s not here?
Call him and tell him I want him here now.
  Ex: Call him and tell him I want him here now.
Here’s a set of handouts…
  Ex: Here’s a set of handouts I’d like you to look at as we go thorugh the meeting. Please try not read ahead.
Could I ask you to make X copies of…
  Ex: Could I ask you to make three more copies of this?
I’m having some copies made right now.
  Ex:I’m having some copies made right now. I’ll give them to you when they arrive.
There are…
  Ex:There are some handouts on the table in the back. Could I ask everyone to pick one up as you come in?
In the handouts
  Ex: Don’t worry about taking notes. I’ll give this to you in the handouts at the end of the meeting.


上記の会話の日本語訳はこちらをクリック’(印刷可): JAPANESE VERSION

–This section will cover a broad range of different grammar rules and explanations to help you understand sentence structure and improve awareness of English grammar.
Common mistakes in English!
Read some of the sentences below and decide which one is "incorrect".
1. a If he will ask me, I will stay.
  b If he asks me, I will stay.
2. a The train already left before I arrived.
  b The train had already left before I arrived.
3. a When I go to Italy next month, I plan to do alot of shopping.
  b When I will go to Italy next month, I plan to do alot of shopping.
4. a Samantha talks as if she knows everything!
  b Samantha talks as if she knew everything!
5. a I had finished the book yesterday.
  b I finished the book yesterday.
6. a If he had asked me, I would have stayed.
  b If he would’ve asked me, I would have stayed.
7. a They fell down and hurt themselves.
  b They fell down and hurt theirselves.
8. a A friend of his told us the news.
  b A friend of him told us the news.
9. a I like Japan because it is very safety.
  b I like Japan because it is very safe.
10 a His father was died 10 years ago.
  b His father died 10 years ago.
11. a I work very late so I return to home at 11pm almost every night.
  b I work very late so I reuturn home at 11pm almost every night.
12. a She told me she is not afraid of nobody.
  b She told me she is not afraid of anybody.
13. a What time is it? Response: It is one and a half.
  b What time is it? Response: It is half past one.
14. a They played soccer under the rain.
  b They played soccer in the rain.
15. a As usually, he left his pen at home.
  b As usual, he left his pen at home.
Check back next month to see how you did! Answers and Explanations to each of the above mistakes will be posted!
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NEW! – Do you think Tokyo hosting the 2020 Olympics is a good thing?

Frank (32y.o. from America): I can’t speak for my students since I most likely will be out of Japan by the time 2020 rolls around but I am a little skeptical as to how the turnout will be. Will athletes even want to come to Tokyo if the nuclear reactors are still leaking? Japan may very well be second to none in providing "hospitality" to foreign visitors but the big elephant in the room is will foreigners even feel safe to come? Japan really needs to address the concern of pollution and safety from radiation.

Most of my family members and friends back home have been relentless in getting me to leave Japan since March 11th. Their reasoning is why would anybody stay in Japan given the government’s irresponsible handling of the entire ordeal. How safe are we really? Japan needs to improve their image abroad and they have a little under 8 years to do it.






Teruki (24 y.o. from Japan): I think the Olympic games will be a great way to stimulate the Japanese economy to regain global competitiveness. Japan has been suffering deflation for too long, and the 2020 Olympics together with "Abenomics", I think we can finally see some positive economic changes in the next decade.

My parents have always told me how the 1964 Tokyo Olympics have changed so much of their lives. Not only the economic growth will change how Tokyo would look, but the fact that people from all over the world will be visiting Japan will bring unprecedented excitement to Japanese people of all ages, which, apparently, is something that Japan needs the most.



