
英語ニュース Current Internet NEWS!! <新着ネットニュース>
英語のビデオ Video News (Domestic and World Events/国内&世界の動画ニュース)
Business English <ビジネス英語フレーズ>
Grammar Study<今月の文法学習>
TOEICクイズ TOEIC Study Quiz<TOEICテスト>
Monthly Column – <今月のコラム>
You can read the article below and use it in your lessons to discuss with your teacher. — この記事を読んで先生とレッスンで話し合おう!
World News

Uber to start restaurant food deliveries by drone

Uber is testing restaurant food deliveries by drone. The company’s Uber Eats unit began the tests in San Diego with McDonald’s and plans to expand to other restaurants later this year.

It works this way: Workers at a restaurant load the meal into a drone and it takes off, tracked and guided by a new aerospace management system.

The drone then meets an Uber East driver at a drop-off location, and the driver will hand-deliver the meal to the customer.

In the future, the company wants to land drones atop parked vehicles near delivery locations and secure them to the vehicle for the final mile of the delivery.

expand 拡大する
load 乗せる
track 追跡する
aerpspace 航空宇宙の
drop-off 受け取り場所
hand-deliver 手渡し
land 着陸する
secure 確保する、固定する


UBERはドローンによりレストランの出前配達の試験導入を始めた。同会社のUBER EATS部門はサンディエゴでマクドナルドの配達試験を開始し、年内にも他のレストランへと拡大を予定。


その後ドローンは、受け取り地点でUBER EATSドライバーと合流し、ドライバーが客へ直接配達する。


Japan News:
Seven-Elven introducing bioplastic wrapping for its rice balls

Convenience store operator Seven-Eleven Japan Co. said it will start selling all of its rice balls in wraps made of biomass plastics, possibly from July, as it aims to reduce the use of materials derived from fossil fuels.

The company’s move, affecting some 2.2 billion onigiri rice balls it sells annually, comes as more firms adopt plant-derived plastics amid the government’s calls for reducing plastic waste to prevent marine pollution.

By replacing part of the wrapping with a sugar cane-derived material, Seven-Eleven estimates it can reduce the use of plastic by 20 tons and cut carbon dioxide emissions by 403 tons a year.

bioplastic バイオプラスティック
biomass plastics 植物性プラスティック
derived from… …由来の
fossil fuel 化石燃料
affect 影響する
annually 年に
plant-derived 植物由来の
marine pollution 海洋汚染
replace 取り換える
estimate 推定する





New! Learning through News Videos
Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>
-Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age, and business!
新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!
Keep one’s eye on the ball 「油断しない、注意を怠らない」
We should not diversify our product offering too much, but rather keep our eyes on the ball.


「Keep one’s eye on the ball」はスポーツ(主に球技)で良く使われる表現で「目を離さない、ボールを注視する」の意味で使われます。ボールを「商材」に例え、「常に商品に気を遣う、油断しない」と言う意味でビジネスでも使われます。Diversifyは「多様化する」、product offering「商品提供、提供商品」の意味。
In the driver’s seat「権力の座にある」
Globally speaking, the U.S.is still in the driver’s seat, though China is becoming conspicuous.


「in the driver’s seat」のもともとの意味は、「運転席にいる」です。「運転席にいる」=「自由自在に操れる、決定できる」ことから「権力の座にある、支配的な立場にある」という意味で使われます。「conspicuous」は「明白な、顕著な」の意味で、本文では中国の存在感が強くなってきていることを示しています。
ビシネス英会話 Put all one’s eggs in one basket 「一つのことに全ての希望をかける」
It’ not smart to invest in American tech stocks only and put all one’s eggs in one basket.


「put all one’s eggs in one basket」は「一つのことに大きな期待を託す」の意味で、1つの事に頼ることは危険であることを例えるときによく聞く表現で、リスクを回避したがる西洋らしい表現です。
NEW! – Learning Western Cultures and Humors through Jokes!!
Who is calling?

A sweet old lady telephoned St. Joseph’s Hospital.

She timidly asked,
“Is it possible to speak to someone who I can tell me how a patient is doing?”

The operator said,
“I can, what’s the name and room number?”

The old lady in her weak voice said,
“Norma Findlay, Room 302.”

The operator replied,
“Let me place you on hold while I check with her nurse.”

After a few minutes the operator returned to the phone and said,
“Oh, I have good news, her nurse just told me that Norma is doing very well. Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work came back as normal and her physician, Dr, Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged on Tuesday.”

The old lady said,
“Thank you. That’s wonderful! I was so worried! God bless you!”

The operator replied.
“You are more than welcome. Is Norma your daughter?”

The grandmother said,
“No, I’m Norma Findlay in 302. No one tells me a damn thing.”










