A single-ticket holder from California won an estimated $1.77 billion (¥254 billion) on Powerball on Oct. 11, the U.S. lottery game’s website said on early Oct. 12. It is the second-largest jackpot in Powerball history, the website said.
The ticket holder’s identity was not revealed. They can have the estimated jackpot paid out over 30 years, or receive an estimated $774.1 million (¥116 billion) lump-sum payment, Powerball said in a statement on Oct. 12.
The largest Powerball jackpot was $2.04 billion (¥305 billion), won by a single-ticket holder in California in November 2022. That set a world record, according to Powerball.
The lottery tickets cost $2 (¥300) each. The odds of winning the jackpot are 1 in 292.2 million. For comparison, the odds of being struck by lightning over the next year are 1 in 1.22 million, according to the U.S. National Weather Service.
A team of scientists led by a Japanese pharmaceutical startup has been working on a drug to stimulate the growth of new teeth in what would be a world first, aiming to put it on the market by around 2030.
Toregem Biopharma, funded by Kyoto University, is expected to begin clinical trials on healthy adults from around July 2024 to confirm the drug’s safety, after the team succeeded in growing new teeth in mice in 2018.
The team plans to hold a clinical trial for the drug from 2025 for children between 2 and 6 years old with anodontia, who are born without some or all of their permanent teeth. The children will be injected with one dose to induce teeth growth.
- Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age and business! 新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!
buzzは「蜂などの昆虫のブンブンという羽音、人々のガヤガヤ騒ぐ声、うわさ話、熱狂」という意味。従って、buzzwordは「人々が熱心に話す言葉→流行語、話題の言葉」。buzzwordは専門的な響きを持つが、実はその定義や意味はあいまいで、ある業界などでしきりに用いられる言葉や表現を指すことが多い。なお、buzzには「電話」という意味もある。例えば、I will give you a buzz tonight.「今晩電話をするよ」などと使う。
conformistは「体制などに順応する人」という意味なので、non-conformistは「体制などに従わない人、他人と協調しない人」。本記事では「上司や顧客に迎合しない人」と意訳。他にも、He is a non-conformist--an authentic man with strong feelings--and ambitious.「彼は他人に迎合するタイプではなく、強い感情を持った正真正銘の男、そして野心家である」のように使う。
slipは「細長い紙片」なので、pink slipは「ピンク色の細長い紙片→解雇通知」。その語源として、20世紀の初めに、当時、週給で働いていた労働者の給料袋にピンク色の明細書が入っていると、それは最後の給料を意味するとされたことから解雇通知を指すようになったというものや、解雇通知がピンク色のカーボン紙のコピーだったというものがある。他にも、receive a pink slip「解雇通知を受け取る、解雇される」、give someone a pink slip「解雇通知を出す、解雇する」などのように使う。
TOEIC Part5の文法を攻略して高得点を狙おう!
A local bar was so sure that its bartender was the strongest man around that they offered a standing $1000 bet.
The bartender would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass, and then give the lemon to a patron. Anyone who could squeeze another drop of juice out would win the money.
Many people tried but nobody was able to do it,
One day a scrawny, little man came in, wearing thick glasses and a polyester suit.
He said in a squeaky voice, “I’d like to try the bet,”
After the laughter died down, the bartender grabbed a lemon and squeezed it. Then he handed the wrinkled remains of the rind to the little man who clenched it in his small fist.
Soon the crowd’s laughter turned to total silence as six drops of juice fell into the glass.
As the crowd cheered, the bartender paid the $1000 and asked the little man, “What do you do for a living?”
The little man replied with a winning smile., “I work for the IRS!”
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