Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 7

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 7
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To point out: to show, to indicate, to bring to one’s attention.
~を指摘する Ex: I hate to point out the obvious. (明白なことを指摘したくない。)
To be up: to expire, to be finished. This idiom is used only with the word ‘time’ as a the subject.
終わる Ex: Lets finish the lesson because our time is up. (時間終わったからレッスンを終了しましょう。)
To be over: to be finished, to end (also: to be through).
終わる Ex: When will this be over? (早く終わってほしいなあ。)
On time: exactly at the correct time, punctually.
時間[予定・スケジュール・ダイヤ]通りに Ex: He is always on time and never keeps us waiting. (彼はいつも時間通りに来て、私たちを待たせたことがない。)
In time to: before the time necessary to do something.
時間内に、間に合って Ex: He made the station in time to catch the train. (彼は列車に間に合うように駅に着いた。)
To get better, worse, etc.: to become better, worse, etc. Tis idiom is often used with adjectives such as ‘any’ and ‘much’.
良くなる,悪くなる, など Ex: He wants to get better before you see him. (彼は体調が良くなってから、あなたに会いたがっている。)
To get sick, well, tired, busy, wet, etc.: to become sick, well, tired, busy, wet, etc. This idiom consistes of a combination of ‘get’ and various adjectives.
病気になる, 〔病気が〕治る, 疲れる, 忙しくなる, ぬれる Ex: You can count on me when you get sick. (病気とかになったら頼りにしていいよ。)
Had better: should, ought to, be advisable to. This idiom is most often used in contracted form (I’d better).
~したほうが身のためだ Ex: You had better not go out tonight because another typhoon is coming. (また台風が接近しているので、今夜は外出しない方がいい。)
Would rather: prefer to (also: would just as soon).
~する方が良い、むしろ~したい Ex: I would rather not comment on any political discussion. (政治に関する議論にはコメントを控えさせていただきます。)
To call it a day / night: to stop working for the rest of the day / night.
〔その日の仕事などを〕終わりにする/ 今夜の仕事はここまで Ex: OK. Let’s call it a day! You did a great job, Lucy! (さ、もう今日は終わりにしましょ!よく頑張ったね、ルーシー!)
To figure out: to solve, to find a solution, to understand.
計算して合計[答え]を出す、算定する、〔答えを〕見つけ出す Ex: It took me years to figure out that I had been adopted. (自分が養子だと知ったのは何年もたってからだった。)
To think of: to have a (good or bad) opinion of. This idiom is often used in the negative or with adjectives such as ‘much’ and ‘highly’.
~のことを考える[考えてみる・考えに入れる・考慮する・熟考する・検討する] Ex: The first thing I can think of when thinking of Disney is Disneyland. (ディズニーというとまず思い浮かぶのはディズニーランドです。)
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