Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 11

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 11
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To keep out: not to enter, not allow to enter.
立ち入り禁止,〔場所に〕入らせない Ex: Keep everyone out of the area. (その場所には誰も入らせないでください。)
To keep away (from): to stay at a distance (from); to avoid use of (also: to stay away from)
~から離れている、~に近づかない Ex: Please keep away from me because I don’t like you. (あなたのことが好きではないので、私に近づかないでください。)
To find fault with: to criticize, to complain about something.
~のあら探しをする Ex: I have a bad habit of finding fault with everything my girlfriend says. ( 僕には、ガールフレンドの言うことをいちいちあら探しする悪いくせがある。)
To be up to: to be dependent on the decision of another; to be doing as a regular activity; to feel able to do something. The second definition is ost often used in a questions as a form of greeting.
~次第で Ex: It’s up to you. (それはあなた次第です。/それを決めるのはあなたです。/その判断はあなたにお任せします。)
Ill at ease: uncomfortable or worried in a situation.
落ち着かない、不安な Ex: Arthur loves his research work, but feels ill at ease at academic gatherings. (アーサーは研究が好きだが、学会に出ると緊張してしまう。)
To do over: to revise, to do again. A noun or pronoun must seperate the two parts of this idiom.
~をやり直す Ex: Let me do it over. I want a fair assessment.  (もう一度やらせてください。私は正当な評価を受けたいのです。)
To look into: to investigate, to examine carefully (also: to check into)
~を詳しく調べる Ex: Look into it and let me know how things come out. (調査の上、結果を報告してください。)
To take hold of: to grasp, to grip with the hands.
~をつかむ、把握する Eg: We help young women take hold of their own financial futures. (私たちは若い女性が自らの財政的未来を牛耳る[把握する]のを助けます。)
To get through: to finish, to complete. This idiom is followed eithger by the ‘-ing’ form of a verb or by the preposition ‘with’.
~を終える、終了する Ex: Was this an easy course to get through or difficult? (このコースを終えるのは簡単でしたか、それとも難しかったでしょうか?)
From now on: from this time into the future.
これからずっと、今後は Ex: From now on he’ll go with you everywhere. (今後は彼があなたに付き添うからね。)
To keep track of: to keep or maintain a record of; to remember the location or status of.
~の経過を追う、~の記録をつける Ex: I started keeping track of my finances.  (財政[お金]の流れを把握[記録]するようにした。)
To get carried away: to act in an extreme manner. A related idiom is ‘to go overboard’.
調子に乗る、図に乗る、悪乗りする Ex: Pam gets carried away when she talks about her personal problems.  (パムは個人的な悩みを話し出すと、我を忘れてしまう。)
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