Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 15

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 15
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Inside out: with the inside facing the outside.
〔衣服の着方などが〕裏返しに、裏表に、あべこべに Ex: You’re wearing your sweater inside out. (あなた、セーターを裏返しに着ていますよ。)
Upside down: with the upper side turned toward the lower side.
逆さまに Ex: The newspaper’s upside down. (新聞がさかさまですよ。)
To fill in: to write answers in; to inform, to tell. For the second definition, the idiom can be followed by the preposition ‘on’ and the information that someone is told.
〔名前などを空所や文書に〕書き入れる、記入する、書き込む Ex: Please fill in all the necessary items on the application form. (申込用紙に必要事項を記入してください。)
To fill out: to complete a form. This idiom is very similar to the first definition. ‘To fill in’ referes to completing various parts of a form, while ‘to fill out’ refers to completing a form as one item.
〔空所に〕書き入れる、記入する、書き込む Ex: An application must be filled out completely and filed with the office. (必要事項をすべてご記入の上、当事務所にお申し込みください。)
To take advantage of: to use well, to profit from; to use another person’s weaknesses to gain what one wants.
~をうまく[巧みに]利用する Ex: The rich always seem to take advantage of the poor. (金持ちはいつも貧乏人を食い物にしているように見える。)
No matter: regardless of. This idiom is a shortened form of ‘it doesn’t matter’. It is followed by a question word such as how, where, when, who, etc.
~を問わず、どうでもいい、構わない Ex: No matter how hard I tried, nothing worked. (どんなに一生懸命努力してもうまくいかなかった。)
To take up: to begin to do or study, to undertake; to occupy space, time or energy. For the second definition, in instances of time and energy, ‘take up’ is often shortened to ‘take’.
〔仕事や趣味などを〕始める,〔物が空間を〕占める、取る Ex: What inspired you to take up the Japanese instrument? (あなたがその日本の楽器を始めたきっかけは何でしたか?)
To take up with: to consult someone about an important matter. The important matter follows the verb ‘take’, while the person consulted follows ‘with’.
~について誰かと相談する Ex: You’ll have to take it up with the manager. (マネージャと相談しなさい。)
To take after: to resemble a parent or close relative (also: to look like, for physical appearance only)
~に似ている Ex: Boys take after their mothers, and girls take after their fathers. (男の子はお母さんに似て、女の子はお父さんに似るものなのね。)
In the long run: eventually, after a long period of time. This idiom is similar in meaning to ‘sooner or later’ (lesson 1). The difference is that ‘in the long run’ refers to mare extended period of time.
長い目で見れば、長期的には、結局(は) Ex: In the long run, it is cheaper to buy the larger bottle than the small one. (長い目で見れば、小瓶より大瓶を買った方が安い。)
In touch: having contact. This idiom is often followed by ‘get, be, keep, or stay’.
接触する、連絡をする Ex: I’ll be in touch.  (また連絡します。/こちらから連絡します。◆電話)
Out of touch: not having contact; not having knowledge of.
実態を把握していない, 連絡を取らないで Ex: Everyone was out of touch with the fact. (皆その事実に気付いていなかった。)
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