Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 27

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 27
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To take on: to employ, to hire; to accept responsibility for, to undertake.
〔仕事・責任などを〕引き受ける, 雇い入れる、雇う Ex: The president calls for other countries to take on a greater share of the burden. (大統領は他の国々に対し、より一層の負担を分担するよう呼び掛ける。)
To take down: to remove from an elevated place; to write what is said, to note. The first definition of this idiom has the opposite meaning of the second definition ‘to put up’ in Lesson 19.
〔上にある物を〕下げる、降ろす, 書き留める、書き取る Ex: Did you take down his license plate number? (彼のナンバープレートの番号は控えましたか?)
To fall through: to fail to materialize, not to succeed. This idiom is usually used with the noun ‘plan’ or ‘plans’ as the subject.
〔計画などが〕失敗[不成立]に終わる、実現されない Ex: A plan fell through to sell it to Company A for $__. (_ドルでそれを会社Aに売却する計画は不成立に終わった。)
To fall behind: to lag, to fail to keep up (also: to get behind). This idiom has the opposite meaning of the second definition of ‘to keep up’ in Lesson 25.
後れを取る、脱落する、落後する、〔学校などで〕落ちこぼれる Ex: She missed three weeks of class and fell behind in the course. (彼女は授業を3週間休んでしまったので、勉強が遅れてしまった。)
To give in: to surrender, to stop resisting.
負けを認める、降参する Ex: I won’t give in. (負けるものか。)
To give off: to release, to produce.
〔光・気体・熱・雰囲気などを〕出す、発する Ex: She is giving off an atmosphere of not wanting to be here. (彼女はここにいたくないというそぶりを見せている。)
To give out: to distribute; to become exhausted or depleted (also: to run out). The first definition has the same meaning as the first definition of ‘to pass out’ in Lesson 19.
疲れ果てる, 配る Ex: My stamina and endurance are giving out with age. (体力も持久力も年をとるにつれて衰えてきた。)
To have it in for: to want revenge on, to feel hostile towards (also: to hold a grudge against).
~に恨みを持っている、~に難癖をつける Ex: Bob thinks his neighbors have it in for him because he is a foreigner. ( ボブは、自分が外国人なので隣人が目の敵にしていると思っている。)
To have it out with: to quarrel with, to confront.
〔人と〕議論[けんか]して片をつける Ex: I will have it out with him whenever I have a chance. (機会があったら思う存分腹いせをしてやる.)
To hold off: to delay, or to be delayed, in occuring. The idiom has the same meaning as ‘to put off’ in Lesson 5 when a noun or pronoun is used as an object.
遅らせる、遅れる、遅滞する、離れている Ex: I’ll hold off the bill collectors until payday. (給料日まで集金人を寄せつけないつもりだ.)
To hold out: to endure, to be sufficient; to survive by resisting; to persist in one’s efforts. The first definition for ‘to hold out’ has the opposite meaning of the second definition for ‘to give out’ (seventh idiom of this lesson).
〔最後まで〕持ちこたえる、辛抱する、粘る、耐える、抵抗する Ex: They held out against the enemy attacks for a month. (彼らは 1 か月の間敵の攻撃に抵抗し続けた.)
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