
英語ニュース Current Internet NEWS!! <新着ネットニュース>
英語のビデオ Video News (Domestic and World Events/国内&世界の動画ニュース)
Business English <ビジネス英語フレーズ>
Grammar Study<今月の文法学習>
TOEICクイズ TOEIC Study Quiz<TOEICテスト>
Monthly Column – <今月のコラム>
You can read the article below and use it in your lessons to discuss with your teacher. — この記事を読んで先生とレッスンで話し合おう!
World News

Moscow resorts to fake snow in warmest December since 1886

Moscow has been so warm this December that the government has resorted to sending trucks filled with artificial snow to decorate a new year display in the city center.

Videos of the delivery for a snowboarding hill went viral as observers noted the irony of bringing snow to a city that spends millions each year on its removal.

“This is all the snow there is in Moscow. It’s being guarded in Red Square,” one Instagram user wrote, accompanied with a photograph from near the Kremlin.

The Moscow region is in the throes of one of its warmest winters since temperatures began to be systematically recorded 140 years ago. The temperature in the Russian capital rose to 5.4C on 18 December, topping the previous record for the month set in 1886.

“It’s not normal at all,” said Alexander Stanko, 62, a former foreman who was admiring the holiday decorations near the Kremlin on Sunday afternoon.

resort to… …に頼る
viral (ソーシャルメディアなどを通して)口コミで素早く広がる
irony 皮肉
accompanied with… …に伴う、…が同伴する
top… …を超える、…の頂点にのぼる



「これがモスクワにある全ての雪です。Red Squareで護られています。」と、一人のインスタグラムユーザーがクレムリン付近で撮影された写真とともに投稿。



Japan News:

Japan ushers in 2020

People flocked to temples and shrines in Japan Tuesday night and early Wednesday, offering incense with their prayers to celebrate the passing of a year and the the first New Year’s of the Reiwa era.

Under Japan’s old-style calendar, linked to emperors’ rules, Reiwa started in May, after Emperor Akihito stepped down and his son Naruhito became emperor.

Although Reiwa is entering its second year with 2020, Jan 1 still marks Reiwa’s first New Year’s, the most important holiday in Japan.

Stalls at Zojoji Temple in Tokyo sold sweet rice wine, fried noodles and candied apples, as well as little amulets in the shape of mice, the zodiac animal for 2020. Since the Year of the Rat starts off the Asian zodiac, it’s associated with starting anew.

Tokyo will host the 2020 Summer Olympics, an event that is creating much anticipation for the entire nation.

usher 先導する、迎える
flock to… …に集まる、群がる
incense お香
amulet お守り、魔よけ
zodiac animal 干支
anticipation 予想、期待
as many as… …もの数の
pillar 支柱







  New! Learning through News Videos
Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>
-Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age, and business!
新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!
Spark(s) fly / make sparks fly 「火花を散らす」
The two managers have drastically different ideas of how the business should be run, so sparks fly whenever they are in a meeting together.


  「spark」は「火花」の意味で「火花が飛ぶこと、散っていること」を表現する場合は、「sparks fly 」といいます。これは日本語で言う「バチバチしてる」に近い表現で、ディスカッションがヒートアップしてあからさまに衝突している場合や、一見穏やかに見えても張り詰めた緊張感が漂うような場面でも使える表現です。
thick-skinned 「鈍感な、神経のずぶとい」
You have to be pretty thick-skinned if you want to be in the entertainment industry.


ビシネス英会話 go private 「株式を非公式化する」
The CEO thinks the company would benefit greatly from going private and avoiding all the regulatory costs and hassles that come with being public.


  「private」は日本語でも「プライベート」というように、日本でもなじみのある言葉です。他の和製英語とは異なり、英語も日本語もほとんど同じ意味で使われます。上場して「公開」していた株を「企業自身のもの(=私有のもの)」にするので、「go private」で「株式を非公開化する」の意味になります。また、反対語として「go public」「株式を公開する」があります。「go public」には他に「公表する、(秘密などが)世間に知れ渡る」の意味があります。



NEW! – Learning Western Cultures and Humors through Jokes!!
Never mess with old people!!

The IRS decided to audit Grandpa and summoned him to the IRS office. The IRS auditor was not surprised when Grandpa showed up with his attorney.

The auditor, “Well, sir, you have an extravagant lifestyle and no full-time employment, which you explain by saying that you win money gambling. I’m not sure the IRS finds that believable.”

I’m a great gambler, and I can prove it, said Grandpa.
“How about a demonstration?”

The auditor thought for a moment and said, ”Okay, go ahead.”

Grandpa said, “I’ll bet you a thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye.”

The auditor thought a moment and said, “It’s a bet.” Grandpa removed his glass eye and bit it.

The auditor’s jaw dropped.

Grandpa sqid, “Now, I will bet you two thousand dollars that I can bite my other eye.”

Now the auditor could tell Grandpa wasn’t blind, so he took the bet.

Grandpa removed his dentures and bit his good eye. The stunned auditor now realized he has wagered and lost three grand, with Grandpa’s attorney as a witness. He started to get nervous.

“want to go double or nothing?” Grandpa asked I’ll bet you six thousand dollars that I can stand on one side of your desk, and pee into that wastebasket on the other side, and never get a drop anywhere in between.”

The auditor, twice burned, was cautions now, but he looked carefully and decided there’s no way this old guy could possibly manage that stunt, so he agreed again.

Grandpa stood beside the desk and unzipped his pants, but although he strained mightily, he couldn’t make the stream reach the wastebasket on the other side, so he pretty much urinated all over the auditor’s desk.
The auditor lept with joy, realizing that he just turned a major loss into a huge win. But Granpa’s own attorney moaned and put his head in his hands.

“Are you okay?” the auditor asked.

“Not really,” said the attorney. “This morning, when Grandpa told me he’d been summoned for an audit, he bet me twenty-five thousand dollars that he could come in here and piss all over your desk and that you’d be happy about it.”
















