
英語ニュース Current Internet NEWS!! <新着ネットニュース>
英語のビデオ Video News (Domestic and World Events/国内&世界の動画ニュース)
Business English <ビジネス英語フレーズ>
Grammar Study<今月の文法学習>
TOEICクイズ TOEIC Study Quiz<TOEICテスト>
Monthly Column – <今月のコラム>
You can read the article below and use it in your lessons to discuss with your teacher. — この記事を読んで先生とレッスンで話し合おう!
World News

Air New Zealand trials edible coffee cups as it explores innovative waste reduction measures

Air New Zealand has begun trialling edible coffee cups with customers in the air and on the ground as it explores new and innovative ways to meet its sustainability challenges.The airline currently serves more than eight million cups of coffee each year.

Air New Zealand Senior Manager Customer Experience Niki Chave says that while the cups are compostable, the ultimate goal would be to remove these totally from landfills.

“We’ve been working in partnership with innovative New Zealand company ‘twiice’ to explore the future of edible coffee cups, which are vanilla flavoured and leakproof. The cups have been a big hit with the customers who have used these and we’ve also been using the cups as dessert bowls,” Ms Chave says.

“It’s terrific that Air New Zealand has partnered with us to showcase to its customers and the world that a little bit of Kiwi ingenuity and innovation could have a really positive impact on the environment while at the same time delivering a really cool and tasty customer experience,” Mr Cashmore says.

Mr Cashmore says ‘twiice’ is working on extending its edible range of crockery and expects to rollout new products next year.

edible 食べられる
innovative 革新的な
trial 実際に試す、試用する
sustainability 持続可能性
compostable 堆肥にできる
landfill 埋立地、ごみ廃棄場
leakproof 漏れのない
terrific 素晴らしい、ひどい
showcase… …を見せる
ingenuity 想像力、アイデア
crockery 食器類


同社の顧客経験部門のシニアマネージャーであるNiki Chave氏は、コップは堆肥化が可能である一方、最終的な目標はごみ処理場行きのコップを一切なくすことであると話した。




Japan News:

‘Harry Potter’ theme park eyed to replace Tokyo’s Toshima-en

The exciting news for Harry Pottery fans is that they may be able to experience the wizarding world in Tokyo, according to people familiar with the matter. The new theme park is set to open in Spring 2023, replacing Toshima-en an old amusement park in Tokyo.

Seibu Holdings Inc., the parent company of Toshima-en’s operator, announced that they will be closing the theme park in stages starting from this year.

The company is in discussion with Warner Bro. Entertainment Inc. which has acquired the license of Harry Potter from the British author J. K. Rowling.

The U.S. film distributor is talking about opening a theme park featuring reproductions of sets of Harry Potter movies, people familiar with the matter said.

It would be similar to “Warner Bors. Studio Tour London – The making of Harry Potter,” a theme park in London where visitors can experience the wizardly world through costumes, sets and props.

eye to… …することに目を付ける
wizarding world 魔法の世界
replacing… …に取って代わって
in stages 段階的に
license ライセンス、許可証
distributor 配給業者
featuring… …を題材とした
props 小道具







New! Learning through News Videos
Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>
-Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age, and business!
新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!
pink-clad 「ピンク色で覆われた」
The latest line of Lego bricks for girls, known as Lego Friends, has been controversial, with feminist groups accusing the company of perpetuating gender stereotypes through pink-clad universes such as beauty parlors, pet shops and lounge bars.


cladは「身にまとった、覆われた」という意味の形容詞で、pink-clad「ピンク色で覆われた」のように複合語の形でよく用いる。他にも、iron-clad vessels「鉄で覆われた船舶」、armor-clad warriors「鎧を着た戦士」、bikini-clad beauties「ビキニを着た美女」、ivy-clad wall「ツタに覆われた壁」、Burka-clad women「ブルカを被った女性」のように使う。
tap ~ for … 「~に…を求める」
Mr. Smith said that among currently employed workers, those who tapped their friends for a job referral had an average weekly salary of $772.20 a week, versus $725.84 for those who didn’t.


tap ~ for …は「~に…を求める/せびる」という意味。job referralは「仕事の紹介/推薦」なので、本文のthose who tapped their friends for a job referralは、「友人に仕事を紹介してもらった人」になる。tap ~ for …は他にも、My brother tapped our parents for another couple hundred dollars.「私の弟は、両親にまた数百ドルをせびった」のように使う。
ビシネス英会話 coveted 「人気の」
Well-connected people tend to help other well-connected people get jobs, making it hard for those with smaller social networks to gain access to the most coveted posts and then pass them along.


covetedは「誰もが欲しがる、切望する、人気の」という意味の形容詞。同義語は、desired「望まれた」、desirable「望ましい」、 popular「人気の」など。他にも、He won a much coveted award last year.「彼は昨年、皆が欲しがる賞を受賞した」、Norway seized the coveted title of the world’s happiest country.「ノルウェーは世界で最も幸せな国という誰もが欲しがるタイトルを掴んだ」、This is a long-coveted, hard-earned position at the company.「これはこの会社で、多くの人にとって念願の、そしてやっと得ることができる地位だ」のように使う。
NEW! – Learning Western Cultures and Humors through Jokes!!
A clever boy hides his wit

A Young boy enters a barber shop… and the barber whispers to his customer,
“This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while I prove it to you.”

The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters in the other, then calls the boy over and asks,
“which do you want, son?” The boy takes the quarters and leaves.

“What did I tell you?” said the barber. “That kid never learns!”

Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same young boy coming out of the ice cream store.

“Hey, son! May I ask you a question? Why did you take the quarters instead of the dollar bill?”

The boy licked his cone and replied, “because the day I take the dollar, the game is over!”







「なあ、ぼうや。質問してもいいかな? なんで1ドル札の代わりにコインを取ったんだい?」
