2012年6月- Business English Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>

Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>
-Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age, and business!
新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!

Hiroko and Sam are talking about her uneasiness attending a dinner with several foreign clients. She is asking Sam for advice.

Hiroko: Sam, can I pick your brain for a minute?
ヒロコ: サム、貴方にちょっと聞いてもよいかしら?
Sam: Sure, what’s on your mind?
サム: もちろん、何だい?
Hiroko: It’s not brain surgury or anything but could you tell me what topics are usually discussed at business dinners with foreigners?
ヒロコ: (脳手術ほど)難しいことではないんだけど、外人とのビジネス・ディナーでは普段どのようなトピックが話し合われるか教えてくれない?
Sam: It’s a walk in the park Hiroko. You should just get to know them on a personal level and keep business topics to a minimum.
サム: (公園を散歩するほど)簡単なことだよ、ヒロコ。ただ個人的に彼らと仲良くなるべきで、ビジネスの話題は最小限におさえるべきよ。
Hiroko: Well…. that’s the rub.. I have no idea what is appropriate or inappropriate topics and I am completely clueless as to how to start a conversation!
ヒロコ: それが問題で、話題に何が適しているか適していない分からなくて、どうやって会話を始めるべきか検討もつかないの!
Sam: What on earth do you mean?
サム: どういう意味だい?
Hiroko: In Japanese culture, it is quite normal to discuss business related topics at dinner. However, I heard foreigners like to leave business at work and not talk about business outside the office.
ヒロコ: 日本の文化では、夕食時にビジネス関連の話題を話し合うのは普通だけど、外人は仕事は仕事場において、事務所の外ではビジネスを話さないことを好むってきいたわ。
Sam: More often than not, you are right. Try to learn about them by asking personal questions.
サム: 大概の場合は、正しいね。個人的な質問を聞いて、相手について知ってみると良いよ。
Hiroko: Should I ask them about their religion or political views?
ヒロコ: 宗教や政治に関して聞いてみるべき?
Sam Wow, you really like to jump into the deep end of the pool right away don’t you. These are touchy subjects depending on your relationship with them. I would recommend staying away from those.
サム: すぐに深いところに飛び込みたいんだね!それは、彼らとの関係によってはデリケートな話題だから、それには触れないことをお勧めするよ。
Hiroko: What questions would you suggest?
ヒロコ: どんな質問が良いと思う?
Sam: Well, you could break the ice with a simple question as what they do in their free time or what they found interesting about visiting Japan. The key is to find common topic to discuss and followup with other questions.
サム: 自由時間には何をするのが好きかとか、日本に来て何が面白いと感じたかとか、簡単な質問で場の緊張をほぐすことができるよ。かぎは共通の話題を見つけて、それを話し合って、引き続き質問することだよ。
Hiroko: That is easier said than done! It seems so natural for you but I do not have the social communication skills needed to improvise in English.. I find it is difficult to talk to new people I meet for the first time even in Japanese.


Sam: You will get the hang of it. I will be there to jump in should you need a lifesaver.
サム: だんだん分かってくるよ。ライフセーバー(救助員)が必要な時は僕がいるよ。
Hiroko: "lifesaver", what does that mean?
ヒロコ: 「ライフセーバー」ってどういう意味?
Sam: It means "help".. We are in for a long night aren’t we Hiroko…..
サム: 「救助」って意味だよ。長い夜になりそうだね、ヒロコ...

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