2010-12-01 |
Q. Why do the Japanese point to their nose when referring to themselves? Answer: There is no clear answer as to why the Japanese point to their nose when referring to themselves. Westerners also, probably cannot give a clear answer as to why they refer to themselves by placing the palm of their hand on […]
2010-12-01 |
Q. Why do the Japanese slurp when eating? Answer: There is an expression in Japanese, shita zutsumi wo utsu, or, to smack one’s lips when eating something good. Making a sound when eating something with relish is apparently the same in Japanese as in English. Although making unnecessary noises when eating is considered rude even […]
2010-12-01 |
Q. Why do the Japanese eat so fast? Answer: There is a saying in samurai tradition that mentally prepared the samurai warrior for war: “eat fast, defecate quickly and dress quickly.†This tradition seemed to have carried over to the Japanese military where meals were said to have been consumed in a hurry. The Japanese […]