Category Archives: Discussion

Q. Is it permissible for Japanese to use Japanese among themselves?

Q. Is it permissible for Japanese to use Japanese among themselves? Answer: Excluding any member of a group from conversation, whether by language or the selection of the topic, is rude. If it is necessary to explain something in Japanese very briefly, you can say, “Please excuse us for a moment, but I would like […]

Q. Why is eye contact important?

Q. Why is eye contact important? Answer: One rule of traditional Japanese etiquette that contrasts with etiquette in the United States is how to use the eyes to show respect and attention. Where a Japanese might look down when showing respect, to an American this is a sign of lack of interest or even rudeness. […]

Q. When I hear Americans exchanging greetings, it seems like they aren’t saying the same things, but why?

Q. When I hear Americans exchanging greetings, it seems like they aren’t saying the same things, but why? Answer: The first time you meet another person, it is perfectly acceptable to use the standard expression: “How do you do?” Slightly less formal are the alternatives, “Hello, Bob. I’m glad (happy, pleased) to meet you.” In […]