Category Archives: アメリカに関するQ&A

Q. What should I say when I give someone a present?

Q. What should I say when I give someone a present? Answer: Americans who know Japanese custom are aware that when a person says, “This is nothing” (Tsumaranai mono desuga…), that person is being polite. But this is not what one should say in English to an American who does not know Japanese traditions. Instead, […]

Q. When do I open a gift I receive?

Q. When do I open a gift I receive? Answer: Americans like to open gifts as soon as they receive them. They want to see the smile on the face of the recipient and the recipient wants to thank the giver immediately for the specfic gift. Merely expressing gratitude and then putting the gift down […]

Q. Who should I send a birthday card to?

Q. Who should I send a birthday card to? Answer: Americans make more over birthdays that Japanese do, so if you want to show appreciation for an American co–worker or friend, a birthday is a good opportunity. If the person has been especially nice to you and you have felt that you would like to […]