Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 1

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 1
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To get in / to get on: to enter or board a vehicle/car. To get in is used for cars; to get on is used for all other forms of transportation.
ä¹—ã‚‹ Ex: I was just about to get on the train when I realized I didn’t have my bag. (バッグを持っていないことに気付いたのは、まさに電車に乗ろうとしていた時でした。)
To get out of/ to get off: to leave or to descend from a vehicle. To get out of is used for cars; to get off is used for all other forms of transportation.
降りる Ex: Could you tell me where to get off the bus? (どこでバスを降りるか教えていただけますか?)
To put on: to place on oneself (usually said of clothes).
着る Ex: I’m going to put on a yukata and geta when I go to this year’s summer festival. (今度の夏祭りには、浴衣着て下駄履いて行こう。)
To take off: to remove (usually said of clothes).
脱ぐ Ex: Would you like to take off your coat? (コートをお脱ぎになってはいかがですか?)
To turn on: to start or cause to function (also: to switch on).
つける Ex: Because you always forget to turn on the light. Cars can’t see you unless you turn the light on. (だってライトつけるの、いつも忘れるじゃない。ライトつけないと、車はあなたのこと見えないのよ。)
To turn off: to cause to stop functioning (also: to switch off, to shut off)
  Turn on and turn off, as well as their related forms, are used for things that flow, such as electricity, water, gas, etc.
消す Ex: I forgot to turn off my cellular phone. (私は携帯電話の電源を切るのを忘れた。)
Right away: very soon; immediately (also: at once).

Ex:I knew right away that he was the one for me. (彼に会った時すぐにこの人だと思いました。)

To pick up: to lift with one’s fingers or hands; to retrieve or collect; to learn.
拾う / 取る Ex: I’m here to pick up a package. (荷物[小包]を取りに(ここに)来ました。)
Sooner or later: eventually, after a period of time.
遅かれ早かれ Ex: Sooner or later, all digital information will become free of charge. (遅かれ早かれ、すべてのデジタル情報は無料になります。)
To get up: to arise, to rise freom a bed, to make someone arise. For the last definition a noun phrase must seperate the verb and particle.
起きる Ex: I have to get up early tomorrow. (明日は早く起きないといけなんだ。)
To come up with: to find, to discover.
思い付く, 考え付く, 考え出す

Ex: Did you come up with an idea for a new product? (新製品のアイデア、思い付いた?)

At first: in the beginning, originally.
最初(は), 初めは, 当初(は) Ex: At first I didn’t like his idea, but on second thought it isn’t so bad. (彼のアイデア、初めは気に入らなかったけど、考えてみたらそんなに悪くないね。)
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