Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 10

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 10
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To make sure: to be sure, to ascertain (also: to make certain).
念のため Ex: I checked to make sure the client is free that evening. (顧客にその晩あいているか[予定がないか]尋ねた。)
Now and then: occasionally, sometimes (also: from time to time, once in a while). Both ‘now and then’ and ‘once in awhile’ can be preceded by the adjective ‘every’. Another idiom with the same meaning and form is ‘every so often’.
時々 Ex: Now and then I see a famous film star at my favorite restaurant.  (私のお気に入りのレストランで、時々有名な映画スターを見掛ける。)
To get rid of: to eliminate, to remove; to discard, to throw away.
取り除く、駆除する、一掃する、処分する Ex: I tried to get rid of the rats, but they keep coming back. (ネズミを駆除しようとしたが、やっぱり出てくる。) 
Every other (one): every second (one), alternate (ones).
一つおきの Ex: I figured I go for piano lessons every other week. That way it won’t get in the way of work. (2週間に1回だけピアノを習いにいくことにした。このくらいのテンポなら仕事の邪魔にならないし。)
To go with: to match, to compare well in colour or design often used with this idiom (also: to go together). Adverbs such as ‘well’ and ‘poorly’ are often used with this idiom.
~によく合う、~に似合う Ex: Spicy food goes with beer. (スパイスの効いた食べ物はビールによく合う。)
First-rate: excellent, superb.
一流、最高 Ex: His political knowledge is first-rate. (政治に関する彼の知識は第1級だ。)
To come from: to originate from. This idiom is commonly used in discussions of one’s hometown, state, or country.
~から来る[伝来する] Ex: This play comes from a Chinese legend. (この芝居は中国の伝説を基にしている。)
To make good time: to travel a sufficient distance at a reasonable speed. The adjective ‘excellent’ can also be used.
予定より早く着く Ex: We made good time. (思ったより早く着いたね。/時間かからなかったね。)
to mix up: to stir or shake well; to confuse, to bewilder. For the second definition, the passive forms ‘to be mixed up’ or ‘to get mixed up’ are often used.
よく混ぜ合わせて作る、一緒くたにする、ゴチャゴチャにする、まぜこぜにする Ex: My feelings were all mixed up. (心が千々に乱れた。/心の中がグチャグチャだった。)
To see about: to give attention or time to (also: to attend to, to see to).
~について考える, Ex: I’ll have to see about that. (それは見て[確かめて]みないと分かりません。/それはどうでしょうかね。)
To make an impression: to influence another person’s opinion of oneself (also: tp leave an impression). This idiom is usually seperated by an adjective such as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.
心に焼き付ける、強く印象付ける Ex: Parents never know what will make an impression on their child. (どんなものが子どもに強い印象を与えるのか、親には分からないものだ。)
By heart: by memorizing.
そらで、暗記して Ex: Can you recite the national anthem by heart? (国歌をそらで歌えますか?)
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