-Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below |
To make sure: |
to be sure, to ascertain (also: to make certain). |
Now and then: |
occasionally, sometimes (also: from time to time, once in a while). Both ‘now and then’ and ‘once in awhile’ can be preceded by the adjective ‘every’. Another idiom with the same meaning and form is ‘every so often’. |
To get rid of: |
to eliminate, to remove; to discard, to throw away. |
Every other (one): |
every second (one), alternate (ones). |
To go with: |
to match, to compare well in colour or design often used with this idiom (also: to go together). Adverbs such as ‘well’ and ‘poorly’ are often used with this idiom. |
First-rate: |
excellent, superb. |
To come from: |
to originate from. This idiom is commonly used in discussions of one’s hometown, state, or country. |
To make good time: |
to travel a sufficient distance at a reasonable speed. The adjective ‘excellent’ can also be used. |
to mix up: |
to stir or shake well; to confuse, to bewilder. For the second definition, the passive forms ‘to be mixed up’ or ‘to get mixed up’ are often used. |
To see about: |
to give attention or time to (also: to attend to, to see to). |
To make an impression: |
to influence another person’s opinion of oneself (also: tp leave an impression). This idiom is usually seperated by an adjective such as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. |
By heart: |
by memorizing. |
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