Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 17

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 17
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To blow out: to explode, to go flat (for tires); to extinguish by blowing.
吹き消す、〔風で〕消える,〔タイヤが〕パンクする Ex: Make a birthday wish and blow out the candles. (誕生日の願い事を言って、ろうそくを吹き消してください。)
To become of: to happen to (a missing object or person). This idiom is always used in a clause beginning with ‘what’.
~はどうなるのか Ex: What is to become of me? (私はどうなるのでしょうか?)
To shut up: to close for a period of time; to be quiet, to stop talking. The second definition of this idiom is impolite in formal situations.
(人)を黙らせる Ex: Don’t you know how to shut up? (少しは静かにできないのか?)
Have got: to have, to possess.
持っている、所有している Ex: We have got a strong feeling for each other. (私たちはお互いに対して強い感情を持っている。)
Have got to: must (also: have to).
~しなければならない Ex: This has got to work. (これでうまくいくはずだ。)
To keep up with: to maintain the same speed or rate as.
~に遅れずについていく Ex: I was trying to keep up with him in the marathon race.  (私は、マラソンで彼のペースについていこうとしました。)
On the other hand: however, in contrast.
他方では Ex: The recession has hit bottom, but on the other hand, the unemployment rate is still increasing. (景気後退は底を打ったが、他方で失業率はいまだに上昇している。)
To turn down: to reduce in brightness or volume; to reject, to refuse.
受け付けない, [明るさ・火力・出力]を下げる, 断る Ex: Bob asked her to marry him, but she turned him down. (ボブは彼女に結婚を申し込みましたが、彼女は断りました。)
Fifty-fifty: divided into two equal parts.
五分五分の[で]、半々の[で]、半分ずつ(の) Ex: Let’s go fifty-fifty. (割り勘にしましょう。)
To break in: gradually to prepare something for use that is new and stiff; to interrupt(for the second definition, also: to cut in); to enter illegally or by force.
力ずくで入り込む, 使い慣らす Ex: Some teenagers broke in last winter. (去年の冬、数名の十代の若者が侵入しました。)
A lost cause: a hopeless case, a person or situation having no hope of positive change.
〔成功の〕見込みがない運動[試み・努力] Ex: Working with my brother on math is a lost cause. (弟と一緒に数学を勉強しても無駄です。)
Above all: mainly, especially.
何よりも Ex: Above all, discipline must be maintained in the army. (何よりもまず、軍隊では規律が維持されなければならない。)
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