Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 18

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 18
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To do without: survive or exist without something (also: to go without).
~なしで済ませる[やっていく] Ex: We can’t do without cell-phones these days. (この頃では、私たちは携帯電話なしではやっていけない。)
According to: in the order of; on the authority of.
~によれば、~の言うところによれば Ex: According to my friend, there is a good restaurant around here. (私の友達によると、この辺りにいいレストランがあります。)
To be bound to: to be certain to, to be sure to.
~する運命にある, 《be ~》~しなければならない Ex: If you gulp your food like that, you’re bound to end up with the hiccups. (そんなにガツガツ食べたら、しゃっくりが出るのがおちだよ。)
For sure: without doubt (also: for certain).
確実に、確かに Ex: That’s for sure! (それは確かに)
To take for: to perceive or understand as. This idiom is uaually used when some one is mistakenly perceived. A noun or pronoun must seperate the idiom.
~と思い込む Ex: The world we take for granted wobbles with mysteries and delights. (私たちが慣れきっている世界が神秘と歓喜で揺れ動く。)
To try out: to test, to use during a trial period; to audition.
試してみる, Ex: My brother always tries out all the features on an electronic device before he buys it. (兄はいつも、すべての機能を試してから電子機器を買う。) 
To tear down: to destroy by making flat, to demolish.
〔建物などを〕壊す, Ex: The city tore down the old sports arena and built a new one. (市は古い競技場を壊して、新しいものを建設しました。)
To tear up: to rip into small pieces.
ビリビリ裂く Ex: Please tear up the paper into thumbnail-size pieces. (その紙を親指ほどの大きさにまで破ってください。)
To go over: to be appreciated or accepted. This idiom is usually followed by the adverb ‘well’. (In Lesson 6 this idiom has the meaning ‘to review’).
~に気に入られる、~に受ける Ex: The comedian’s jokes weren’t going over well with the audience. (コメディアンの冗談は観客に気に入られなかった。)
To run out of: to exhaust the supply of, not to have more of.
~を使い果たす、~不足に陥る Ex: Just in case you run out of ideas, here are some places to consider. ( あなたに良い知恵が浮かばないのなら、私がちょっと良いところを知っているんだが。)
At heart: basically, fundamentally. This idiom is used to describe the true character of a person.
心底は、心[腹]の中で(は)、内心は、本心は、心情的には Ex: He looks so mean and arrogant, but at heart, he’s a good guy. (彼、すごい意地悪で傲慢に見えるでしょ。でも根はいいやつなんだ。)
On hand: available, nearby. This idiom is often followed by ‘in case’.
手元に Ex: We will have plenty of security personnel on hand during the event. (その行事中は多数の保安[警備]要員が手近に配置されます。)
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