-Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below |
To do without: |
survive or exist without something (also: to go without). |
According to: |
in the order of; on the authority of. |
To be bound to: |
to be certain to, to be sure to. |
For sure: |
without doubt (also: for certain). |
To take for: |
to perceive or understand as. This idiom is uaually used when some one is mistakenly perceived. A noun or pronoun must seperate the idiom. |
To try out: |
to test, to use during a trial period; to audition. |
To tear down: |
to destroy by making flat, to demolish. |
To tear up: |
to rip into small pieces. |
To go over: |
to be appreciated or accepted. This idiom is usually followed by the adverb ‘well’. (In Lesson 6 this idiom has the meaning ‘to review’). |
To run out of: |
to exhaust the supply of, not to have more of. |
At heart: |
basically, fundamentally. This idiom is used to describe the true character of a person. |
On hand: |
available, nearby. This idiom is often followed by ‘in case’. |
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