Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 23

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 23
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To make do: to manage, to cope. This idiom is used when a person must accept a substitute that is not the most suitable.
やりくりする、対処する Ex: We’ll have to make do somehow. ( 何とかやりくりするしかない。)
To give birth to: to bear a human being or animal.
~を出産する、~を産む Ex: The purpose of marriage is to give birth to children and raise them in stable families. (結婚の目的は、子どもを産み安定した家庭で育てることだ。)
Close call: a situtaion involving a narrow escape from danger (also: close shave).
危機一髪 Ex: I almost ran into my girlfriend when I was with another girl… it was really a close call. (他の女の子といる時に、もうちょっとで(僕の)彼女と鉢合わせしそうになったんだ……危機一髪だったよ。)
To get on one’s nerves: to annoy or disturb (also: to bug).
(人)の神経に障る[を逆撫でする]、(人)をイライラ[立腹]させる Ex: You really get on my nerves. (君には本当にイライラさせられるよ。)
To put down: to suppress, to quell; to criticize unfairly.
こき下ろす、恥をかかせる, (反乱・暴動を)鎮める Ex: A thousand tanks swept into the center of the city to put down a revolt. (反乱を鎮めるために千台の戦車が市の中心部になだれ込みました。)
To go for: to be sold at a certain price; to seek or strive for; to agree with or to consider. The third definition is similar to ‘to feel like’ in Lesson 14.
販売している, 〔競争して~を〕得よう[求めよう]とする, Ex: Ex: How much did it go for? (いくらで売れた?)
To be into: to have as an interest, such as a sport or hobby (also: to get into).
興味を持つ Ex: He is into TV games. (彼はテレビゲームに興味を持っています。)
To stay up: to remain awake, not go to bed.
夜遅くまで起きている、寝ずに起きている、徹夜する Ex: I stayed up until after midnight. (夜中まで起きていた。)
To stay in: to remain at home, not to go out. An idiom with the opposite meaning is ‘to stay out’.
外出しない、家にいる Ex: It’s raining today, so I want to just stay in. 
To take over: to assume control or responsibility for; to do or perform again. The meaning of the second definition is almost the same as ‘do over’ in Lesson 11. Also for the second definition, a noun or pronoun must devide teh idiom.
〔義務や責任などを〕引き継ぐ、引き受ける Ex: I’ll take over from here. (ここからは私が引き受けます。)
To show up: to appear, to arrive; to be found or located (also for the second definition: to turn up).
現れる、姿を見せる, Ex: My prince has finally showed up to sweep me off my feet. (白馬に乗った王子様がついに現れた。)
To clean out: to empty, to tidy by removing; to steal, to rob; to buy or purchase all of something.
~を空[空っぽ]にする, さらう, 買い占める
Ex: You have to clean out your closet because it’s full of old clothes. (古い服でいっぱいだから、洋服ダンスを一度きれいにしなさい。)
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