-Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below |
To wake up: |
to arise from sleep, to awaken. |
To be in charge of: |
to manage, to have responsibilty for. |
As soon as: |
just after, when. |
To have a good time: |
to enjoy oneself. |
In no time: |
very quickly, rapidly. This idiom can be usedwith the idiom ‘at all’ to add emphasis to the certainty of the statement. |
To cut down on: |
to reduce, to lessen (also: to cut back on). |
To crack down on: |
to enforce or punish strictly. |
Quite a few: |
many. |
Used to: |
formerly did, had the habit of. This idiom is used to indicate a post situation, action, or habit that does not exist in the present. The idiom is always followed by a simple verb form. |
To be used to: |
be accustomed to. This idiom refers to a situation, action, or habit that continues in the present. The idiom is always followed by a noun or gerund phrase. |
To get used to: |
to become used to, to become adjusted to. This idiom describes the process of change that allows someone to be used to a situation, action or habit. |
Back and forth: |
in a backward and forward motion. |
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