Check your understanding by selecting the correct answer below: 
Read each of the following of sentences and select the best answer. Print out this lesson plan and ask your teacher to assist you in understanding the grammar rules if you do not understand your mistakes..
Part V – Multiple Choice ( Incomplete Sentences )
1. Youssoud Electronics’ annual charity fund-raising event ______ next Saturday at Montrose Park.
A. will be held
B. to hold
C. to be held
D. will hold
6. The Epsilon 3000 camera allows beginning photographers to enjoy professional-quality equipment, as it is ______ sophisticated yet inexpensicve.
A. gradually
B. technologically
C. annually
D. productively
2. The buildings in the Jamison Complex are open until 7:00 PM on workdays, but staff with proper ______ may enter at any time.
A. reinforcement
B. participation
C. competency
D. authorization
7. Yee-Yin Xiong held interviews with numerous clients to determine ______ Echegaray Consulting, Inc, can improve customer service.
A. unless
B. in order to
C. how
D. as if

Kochi Engineering has proposed the construction of a drainage system ______ to keep the Route 480 highway dry during heavy rain.

A. was designed
B. designed
C. designer
D. designing
8. Several letters of reference from local community organizations are required for ______ into the Cypress Beach Business Association.
A. acquisition
B. acceptance
C. prospects
D. improvement
4. Customers can obtain coverage for replacement and repair of printers _______ the purchase of an extended warranty.
A. although
B. because
C. since
D. through

Rather than wearing business attire on Thursdays, staff may choose to wear casual clothing.

A. enough


C. instead
D. in case
5. We regret to announce that Mr. Charles Appiah has resigned his position as senior sales manager, ______ next Monday
A. effect
B. effected
C. effectiveness
D. effective
10. Your ______ registration card provides proof of ownership in case this product is lost or damaged.
A. frequent
B. indicative
C. validated
D. dispersed