Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 21

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 21
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To go up: to increase; to be constructed, to be erected. The second definition is the same as the one for ‘to put up’ in Lesson 19, except that ‘to go up’ is not used with a noun object.
上がる、高くなる EX: Prices ought to go up soon. (近いうち物価は上昇するはずだ。)
To go up to: to approach (also: to come up to, to walk up to, to run upto, to drive up to, etc.).
(人)に近寄る Ex: I spotted a young person standing there, went up to him and asked him where the railway station is. (私はそこに立っている若者を見つけ、その人の所に行って駅はどこかと聞いた。)
To hand in: to submit or deliver something that is due.
〔レポート・宿題などを〕提出する、~を手渡す Ex: I have to hand in my homework tomorrow. (明日、宿題を提出しなければいけない。)
In case: in order to be prepared if (something happens). When the idiom occurs at the end of the sentence, then the meaning is ‘in order to be prepared if something happens’. The ”something” might be an accident, a delay, etc.
念のため、万が一(~する場合)の用心に Ex: (Just) in case you didn’t know yet, his website is gone for good. (すでにご存じとは思いますが、一応念のために言うと、彼のウェブサイトは永久閉鎖されました。)
To take apart: to disassemble, to seperate the parts of something. A noun or pronoun usually divides this idiom.
〔機器などを〕分解する Ex: Don’t take it apart! (それをバラバラにしないでね!)
To put together: to assemble. A noun or pronoun usually divides this idiom. The preposition ‘back’ is used when something has been broken or disassembled and then is being reassembled.
〔部品や部分を〕組み立てる Ex: I put together a 600 piece of jigsaw puzzle. (600ピースのジグソー・パズルを組み立てた。)
To be better off: to be in a more favorable condition or situation. The opposite of this idiom is ‘to be worse off’.
《be ~》〔~した方が〕もっと良い状態になる Ex: Perhaps I was better off not knowing. (知らない方が幸せだったかも。)
To be well-off: to have enough money to enjoy a comfortable life, to be rich (also: to be well-to-do).
金に不自由していない Ex: I am well off since I started my new job. (新しい仕事を始めてから、何不自由なく暮らしている。)
To take by surprise: to surprise, to amaze, to astonish. A noun or pronoun usually divides this idiom.
(人)をびっくりさせる、(人)に不意打ちを食らわす[かける] Ex: The angry speech that Greta made at the meeting really took me by surprise. (ミーティングでグレタが怒りをあらわにして発言したので、本当にびっくりした。)
To stress out: to worry, be anxious, or feel stress; to cause worry.
ストレスでまいらせる、イライラさせる Ex: This job is stressing me out.
To name after: to give the same name as another.
~にちなんで名付ける、~の名をとって命名する Ex: Mary was named after her grandmother. (メアリーは彼女の祖母の名を取って名付けられた。)
To hold on: to grasp tightly or firmly; to wait, to be patient (also:to hang on). The second definition is often used when someone is talking on the telephone.
しっかりつかまる、電話を切らないで待つ Ex: May I speak to Elaine?" "Hold on." (「エレインはいますか」「お待ちください」)
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