English at Work – Unit 67 The wedding day
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Please press play to listen to the accompanying audio: Here are other posts you may
Please press play to listen to the accompanying audio: Here are other posts you may
Please press play to listen to the accompanying audio: Here are other posts you may
Please press play to listen to the accompanying audio: Here are other posts you may
When I stay for a long time, how can I help the family? First of
If I’m staying overnight, is there anything I should keep in mind? We have elsewhere
When is a good time to go home? After dinner, you will probably be offered
Should I offer to help wash dishes after dinner? When there is a large group
If I’m staying overnight, is there anything I should keep in mind? The general rule
Are there any topics I should avoid? It is acceptable to discuss virtually any topic––the
Q. Why do the Japanese point to their nose when referring to themselves? Answer: There
Q. Why do the Japanese slurp when eating? Answer: There is an expression in Japanese,
Q. Why do the Japanese eat so fast? Answer: There is a saying in samurai
Q. Why do Japanese women cover their mouth with their hand when they laugh? Answer:
Q. Why are the hands clapped when praying at shrines (Shintoism) and placed together when
Q. Why do cars keep to the left side of the street and pedestrians to
Q. Why are purchases wrapped so nicely at stores in Japan? Answer: The history of
Q. Why is a cup of coffee at coffee shops so expensive? Answer: Although the
Q. Why do the Japanese take off their shoes on the shinkansen and airplanes? Answer:
Q. Why do the Japanese change to a different pair of slippers when using the
Q. Why do Japanese husbands call their wives gusai (my foolish wife)? Answer: Gu (foolish)
Q. Why is money always wrapped when given? Answer: There are Japanese who are not
Q. Why are the Japanese always so quick to pour sake into another’s sake cup?
Q. Why don’t people in Japan eat while walking? Answer: Table manners in Japan dictate
Q. Why don’t the Japanese invite people over to their homes? Answer: The average size
Q. Why is money always wrapped when given? Answer: Except when purchasing something, many Japanese
Q. Why aren’t presents opened in front of the giver? Answer: There are scenes in
Q. Why don’t the Japanese look the other person in the eye when speaking? Answer:
Q. WHY DO JAPANESE OFTEN SLEEP ON TRAINS? Answer: Until recently, people who slept on
Q. Why do the Japanese point to their nose when referring to themselves? Answer: There
Q. Why do the Japanese slurp when eating? Answer: There is an expression in Japanese,
Q. Why do the Japanese eat so fast? Answer: There is a saying in samurai
Q. Why do Japanese women cover their mouth with their hand when they laugh? Answer:
Q. Why are the hands clapped when praying at shrines (Shintoism) and placed together when
Q. Why do cars keep to the left side of the street and pedestrians to
Q. Why are purchases wrapped so nicely at stores in Japan? Answer: The history of
Q. Why is a cup of coffee at coffee shops so expensive? Answer: Although the
Q. Why do the Japanese take off their shoes on the shinkansen and airplanes? Answer:
Q. Why do the Japanese change to a different pair of slippers when using the
Q. Why do Japanese husbands call their wives gusai (my foolish wife)? Answer: Gu (foolish)
Q. Why is money always wrapped when given? Answer: There are Japanese who are not
Q. Why are the Japanese always so quick to pour sake into another’s sake cup?
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